Description du projet (anglais)

Vermont Conservation Design identifies features at the landscape and natural community scales that are necessary for maintaining an ecologically functional landscape – a landscape that conserves current biological diversity and allows species to move and shift in response to climate and land-use changes. BioFinder ( is the online map accessible to everyone that brings the data alive. At the landscape scale, users can see patterns in Vermont’s forests, waterways, and the places that connect both into functional networks. At the community scale appear significant natural communities, lakes representing high quality examples of different lake types, and similar important features that are vital to assemblages of plants and animals. Finally, a user can see components that support individual species—the habitats and locations on which rare and uncommon species rely, for example. At all scales, Vermont Conservation Design identifies locations of ecological priority. These are divided into priority or highest priority areas, to allow users to make informed decisions about the locations most suitable for development and those on which to focus conservation efforts.

Description du projet (français)

Organisation principale responsable du projet

Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department

Organisation(s) partenaire(s)

Vermont Land Trust

Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

The Nature Conservancy

Fait partie d'un réseau plus large

Staying Connected Initiave (SCI)

Statut du projet

En cours

Date de début du projet


Écosystème(s) concerné(s)


Eau douce


Catégorie(s) d'actions liées à la connectivité

Établissement de noyaux prioritaires

Conception de réseaux de corridors

Protection des terres

Planification de l'utilisation des terres


Politiques et gouvernance

Recherche (Évaluation de la connectivité sur le terrain)

Recherche (Modélisation)


Mots-clés standards


Approche 'stepping stone'

Transport (routes, chemin de fer, ponceau, pont)


Conservation Design

Interior Forest

Physical Landscape Diversity

Surface Waters & Riparian Areas

Natural Communities

Rare Species


Vernal Pools

Conservation Targets

Couverture taxonomique




Champignons, moisissures et levures



Autres invertébrés


Plantes vasculaires

Étendue géographique



Nom du lieu

Vermont (statewide coverage)

Reports, publications or pictures